When it comes to luxury candles, the scent is probably the most compelling aspect. Irresistible scents have a way of drawing customers towards handmade candles. However, if you want your handmade candles to stand out from the rest, blending fragrance oils is the ideal place to start. The best part about fragrance oil mixing is that you can create your blends. However, blending candle fragrances is tricky and can be equated to mixing food spices; some spices sign up while others flounder. Thus, some fragrance blends smell nice, while others do not. If you want to create appealing fragrance blends for your candles, grab a notebook and note the following supplies. 

Fragrance Oils

Obviously, you cannot make uniquely scented candles without fragrance oils. Therefore, these are the first supplies you need. Notably, the oils are divided into various categories, the most common of which are floral, fruity, clean, masculine and sweet. If you want to make a few blends, you can choose fragrance oils from the list, which is the preferred approach if you are new to making scented candles. Additionally, it is advisable to work with fragrances you are familiar with, for starters, since it reduces the chances of cross-contamination and frustrations. Working with a limited range of fragrances also allows for easy identification of the scent profile.   

Coffee Beans

Many people may be confused about why they should use coffee beans if they are wanting to make candles, and that is rightly so. See, mixing fragrances to achieve the right blend takes a lot of trial and error. Therefore, you will be sniffing various scents, and the last thing you want is to overwhelm your nostrils. This is where coffee beans come in handy. The beans help cleanse scent receptors between tests, allowing you to get a more accurate reading of different fragrance blends. Thus, you will not be second-guessing what your candles will smell like once fragrance blends are infused in candles. Before you even start mixing fragrance oils, have coffee beans with you. 

Fragrance Oil Strips

The actual mixing of different fragrance oils is the trickiest part. You have to know the exact amount of fragrance to use to increase your chances of success. Therefore, you need blot strips at this point. Also known as fragrance strips, blot strips allow you to measure fragrances during testing accurately. For example, if you want to test two fragrances, dip a strip into the scents at the same level and let it dry. Afterwards, smell the strip to determine if the blend works for your candles.  

For more information, contact a candle making supplies company. 
